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  • Plaza Cufflink
  • Plaza Cufflink
  • Plaza Cufflink
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  • Plaza Cufflink
  • Plaza Cufflink
  • Plaza Cufflink
  • Plaza Cufflink

Plaza Cufflink


Long a necessity for the well-dressed man’s wardrobe, cufflinks are de rigueur for formal occasions and a means of expressing individuality on casual nights out. And they’re absolutely essential right now.

St. Ash cufflinks are custom made, and they feel heavy and substantial in your hand. Each set is a beautifully crafted accessory made for years of use.

Our cufflinks tell the world that you care and think about your appearance, how you're present yourself, and how you interact with your world and the people in it. We created each set to say something a little different. Which designs speak your language?

Our Plaza cufflinks set is one of our more classic designs. Square-shaped, with a slag glass inset that suggests a period lamp, the Plaza’s artful blending of vintage and contemporary is entirely convincing. With a chrome backing for an understated look, a bent shaft for comfort, and the St. Ash etching on the back of each lock.

Plaza Cufflink
